[MT] Brodu huwa grupp muzikali li issa ilu jezisti xi tnax -il sena. Idoqqu stil muzikali li donnu jaqa’ taħt il-kappa tal-ġeneru “alternative”. Ħarġu erba’ albums u xi singles, bi produzzjoni ta’ David Vella (Temple studios). Dal-gig fi Storeroom ġej erba’ t’ijiem wara t-tnedija tar-raba’ album tagħhom – għaldaqstant se jkunu qed idoqqu dan l-aħħar album u xi diski minn albums preċedenti.
[EN] Brodu is a band that has been existing for the past twelve years. The group has released four albums and several singles produced by David Vella (Temple Studios) and their style often falls under the “alternative” genre. This gig at Storeroom is taking place four days after the launch of their fourth album – they will be playing the music from this very album as well as a few tunes from previous releases.